Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Shared Simscope Pages (Embedding)

Simscope can share pages and charts, so they can be embedded into external Web apps/dashboards, like Azure DevOps (ADO) Dashboard or Confluence.

  • Most apps embed via HTML <iframe> regions.

Simscope Iframe Sharing

To enable Simscope iframe embedding, your Simscope must be configured with a secure https:// URL.

Simscope iframe support has been tested under:

  • Google Sites (
  • Azure Dashboards (only guest sharing is allowed)

Guest Sharing

Shared page links grant viewing pages without needing Simscope to authenticate (ie guest pages).

  • You can email a Simscope shared link, or embed in web apps.


  1. Shared pages and Charts are Live, so they will update if Simscope's data updates.
  2. Simscope HTML links inside shared pages are disabled.
  3. Dashboards and Admin pages currently cannot be shared.
  4. You might need Simscope configured with HTTPS/SSL, for some web app to allow embedding of Simscope URLs.

1. Sharing a Simscope Page

Note: this can share any page, other than Admin pages and Dashboard pages. To share individual Charts, see below.

To share a Simscope Page:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of any Simscope web page, and click Share Page.

Share page

  1. Hover your mouse to the region of the page you want to share. You will see a red box move as your mouse moves.

Share region

  1. Click the mouse to select the shared region.

This creates a shared page in Simscope.

  1. Copy the URL from your browser to your clipboard.

→ This is a shareable link you can paste into another Web App.

2. Sharing Charts

Simscope can also share individual Charts.

  • Note the charts are live (not snapshots), so if a user views a shared chart, the latest data will be rendered.

To share a Chart:

  1. In the Simscope Chart Editor, open or create any chart.
  2. In the top-right corner, click the Trigram
  3. Click Embed this chart.


  1. Copy the URL from your browser to your clipboard.

→ This is a shareable link you can paste into another Web App.

Example: ADO Dashboard

This example shows an ADO Dashboard with a Shared Simscope Page:

ADO dashboard