Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Bug JSON Fields

Here are the bug fields tracked inside of Simscope:

FieldDescriptionExample value
titleTitle of the bug"This is my bug title"
stateBug State"Closed"
priorityBug Priority"High"
projectBug Project"My Project"
(this field is different from Simscope's project field)
componentBug Component"My Component"
(this field is different from Simscope's component field)
branchBug Branch"main"
assignee_emailBug Assignee Email""
reporter_emailBug Reporter Email""
createdBug Creation Timestamp"2021-10-06T20:41:09.279+00:00"
(must be in RFC-3339 format
updatedBug Update Timestamp"2021-10-06T21:42:10.279+00:00"
(must be in RFC-3339 format
resolvedResolve Timestamp"2021-10-07T12:44:48.7-05:00"
Note: only set this field if the bug has been resolved

Example Update JSON

This is an example JSON object for bug SIM-14

  • Note this JSON does not have a resolved field, because the bug is still active.
  "title": "Simscope Signature 1244: FAIL verops oktaauth build failed: Oct 6.01, 2021",
  "state": "To Do",
  "priority": "Medium",
  "project": "Simscope",
  "component": "server",
  "branch": "",
  "assignee_email": "",
  "reporter_email": "",
  "created": "2021-10-06T20:41:09.279+00:00",
  "updated": "2021-10-06T20:42:00.580+00:00"