Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Diff'ing Regression Models

Simscope comes with Python plugin scripts which can diff the repository changes between multiple Regressions, for the following repository types:

  • External Web Diff: GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or Azure DevOps (ADO)
  • Git: Self-Hosted
  • Perforce
  • Subversion
  • Mercurial

These scripts can be modified as desired, if you have custom workflow.

Example Regression Diff

This shows diffing two regressions:

Regression Diff

1. External Web Diff (GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket, or Azure DevOps)

Note: this plugin can be configured to work with any external web diff: GitHub, Gitlab, or Bitbucket

When using External Web Diff, this will redirect the user automatically to GitHub/Gitlab/Bitbucket and show colorized SHA diffs using the provider's differ.

Example from Github:

Github Diff

Live diff examples:

Install for Simscope

Edit the file simscope-regr-web-diff and change the following lines:

DIFF_URL_TEMPLATE = '' # Choose a DIFF_URL_TEMPLATE from below (depending on your provider)

# GitHub template

# Gitlab template

# Bitbucket template (note the SHA order is new..old)

# Azure DevOps template (note the format for repo is: "ORGANIZATION/PROJECT/_git/REPO"):

# Map from all Simscope [project] names => Provider [company/repo]
    'simscope_project0': 'mycompany/repo0',
    'simscope_project1': 'mycompany/repo1',

    # Format if using Azure DevOps:
    # 'simscope_project2': 'ORGNAME/PROJECT/_git/REPO',

To enable in Simscope, add the following to your simscope.config file:

# NOTE: rename "github" to: "gitlab", "bitbucket", or "azure" if you are using them
[regrplugin "diff-github"]
title = "GitHub Diff"
command = "PATH/simscope-regr-web-diff"

2. Git Diff (self-hosted)

If you have Git self-hosted on Linux (outside of Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket), you can run a command-line diff.

Sample diff of two regressions (using a Git diff python plugin):

Git Diff


The git diff script is released at PATH/bin/regression/simscope-git-regr-diff .

NOTE: you may need to customize:

  • The #! (hash bang) to point to your version of Python.
  • The GIT_DIFF command (ie if you have a specific path to git, or if you want to use special diff/log arguments.

Install for Simscope

Add this to your simscope.config file and restart Simscope:

[regrplugin "diff-git"]
title = "Git Diff"
command = "PATH/simscope-git-regr-diff"


If you want to debug changes to the script, both STDOUT and STDERR will be rendered to the web browser.

For example, you can use standard Python print("message") to print a message and see it in the browser.

3. Perforce Diff

Sample diff of two regressions:

P4 Diff


The perforce diff script is released at PATH/bin/regression/simscope-perforce-regr-diff .

NOTE: you will need to customize:

1. The `#!` (hash bang) to point to your version of Python.

Also, the PERFORCE_CMD may need to be prefixed with your `p4` command path.

Install for Simscope

Add this to your simscope.config file and restart Simscope:

[regrplugin "diff-p4"]
title = "Perforce Diff"
command = "PATH/simscope-perforce-regr-diff"

4. Subversion (SVN) Diff


  1. The Subversion (svn) diff executes via a server URL, so no workspace on disk is needed.
  2. You need to save your SVN authentication credentials to the Linux user running Simscope (~/.subversion/auth).

Sample diff of two regressions:

SVN Diff


The svn diff script is released at PATH/bin/regression/simscope-svn-regr-diff .

NOTE: you may need to customize:

  • The #! (hash bang) to point to your version of Python.
  • The SVN_DIFF command (ie if you have a specific path to svn, or if you want to use special diff/log arguments.

Install for Simscope

Add this to your simscope.config file and restart Simscope:

[regrplugin "diff-svn"]
title = "SVN Diff"
command = "PATH/simscope-svn-regr-diff"