Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Simscope Release History — v460 — 469


feature Added option to use the legacy bucketizer

The legacy Signature bucketizer can be selected from the simscope.config file via:

bucketizer = "legacy"

This enables less-aggressive bucketization behavior.


1. feature Improved default signature search to a 14-day default

If browsing Signatures, the default/blank Search is now a 14-day search, instead of a global signature search (across all time).

This helps new users to find recent signatures easier.

2. bugfix Improved Regression Test Diff

Fixed a problem where the Regression Test diff page would display an invalid overflow warning if less than 500 diffs were found.

3. bugfix Fixed Chart MaxColumns

The configuration variable maxcolumns previously was ignored in the simscope.config file, and always overridden to 200.

→ This bug is now fixed, so that the config file value is used.

4. bugfix Rule Job Preview Table

When adding/editing Rules, this will now show a preview of the updated Rule fields in the job table:

  • State
  • Assignee
  • Issue

5. feature Global search highlights name matches

When performing global searches, if a title/name field matches, these matches will now be highlighted/marked in red color in the result table.

This makes it easier to spot text search matches.


1. bugfix Improved JS error reporting

Client-browser Simscope Javascript errors have improved error reporting, to make debug easier.

2. feature Signature and Job Journal APIs

The REST API docs have been updated with signature and job journal APIs.

This allows downloading of rule and job updates.

3. feature Added private saved searches

If you prefix your search name with #, it will be a private saved search, that only shows up in your dropdown list.

For example, #My Latest Runs will show up privately.

4. bugfix Double chart metrics

In previous releases, there was a bug causing the Metric Dropdown box to show duplicate choices for all metrics.

→ This bug is now fixed.

5. bugfix Regressions with > 500 signatures

In previous Simscope versions, regressions with more than 500 signatures would not paginate the signatures corrrectly, so you could only see Page 1 of the signatures.

→ This bug is now fixed.

6. bugfix Renamed Chart metric

Renamed the Chart Metric #Unique Signatures to #Unique Fail Signatures.

7. bugfix Signature Job CSV download metadata

If viewing Signature job table with metadata shown, the CSV download link will now download the same metadata columns.


feature simscope-sig-search added job metadata columns

The simscope-sig-search script now allows Job Metadata to be downloaded into the output CSV or TSV response.

  • Use the --job-metadata option to enable this.

The REST API docs have been updated to reflect this new parameter: &metadata=field1,field2


1. feature Admin: Bulk User Group Update

Administrators can now select one or more users and perform bulk updates to:

  • Join them into a user group.
  • Leave them from a user group.

Bulk update

2. feature Group sharing folders

If Group Sharing for Saved Searches is enabled, searches will now be populated into group folders after saving searches.

Group searches

3. feature My Searches now are scrollable

If users save many searches to their My Searches, they are now in a dropdown, which can scroll vertically.

  • Previously, searches would overflow to the right of the page in the blue bar.

4. bugfix Updated REST API docs

The REST API docs have been updated to document the /api/tests/csv API.


1. bugfix Upgrade moment.js library due to potential security notice


Out of an abundance of caution, the moment.js library has been upgraded due to a denial-of-service (DoS) security notice.

  • Note: this DoS scenario does not affect Simscope, as it does not use server-based node.js. The Moment JS library is only used in client-side GUI browsers.

2. bugfix Fix calendar library bug

The JS date picker library had a bug where picking dates from out-of-bounds months could result in a date with the wrong month number (for example, clicking on January 4 could pick February 4 instead).

→ This bug is now fixed.


1. feature Live Regression Timeout


If Live Jobs are enabled, and a Regression either hits a timeout or is finished with pending jobs, Simscope will now migrate the live jobs into a fail signature.

To enable this behavior:

# Enable Live Jobs
# >
enablelivejobs = true

# If Live Jobs are enabled and regressions time out or finish with live jobs pending, migrate them to this fail signature.
# (Note: this also requires enablelivejobs = true)
livetimeoutsignature = "LIVE Job Timeout or Missing"

Example Regression timeout signature:

Live Job Timeout

2. bugfix Increased regression-based chart limit

Regression-based charts now have a limit of 5000 regressions, instead of the previous limit of 1000.

3. bugfix Chart Metadata group-by-user

When charting Job Metadata grouping series by Regression User now works correctly.

4. bugfix Chart Metrics DB multi-day bug fixed

If charting multi-day regressions in the Metrics DB, the chart now groups according to the regression timestamp, instead of the the job timestamp.


feature Job Metadata Units

Job Metadata now optionally allow metadata Unit attributes, which will update charts according to the unit.

This allows both scientific unit suffixes, and byte-based suffixes.

Metadata Unit examples:

k / KKilo (thousand)
m / MMega (million)
g / GGiga (billion)

Byte-based Units:

kb / KBkilobyte (thousand bytes)
mb / MBmegabyte (million bytes)

For example, if a unit is specified as kb, Simscope will automatically render a chart with byte-based values, and scale them accordingly.

  • If the metadata value is 5000, the chart will be rendered with a value of 5MB (since the field unit was specified as kilobytes).


bugfix Fixed Job CSV API download limit

In previous versions, downloading jobs in CSV format would reset the limit parameter to 5000, if per-page were not set.

→ This bug is now fixed, so that larger queries can be downloaded.


1. feature ADO work items

This release includes the first Azure DevOps Bug Integration.

2. feature Added issue delete from cache

Administrators can now delete Bugs from the Simscope issue DB cache.