Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Regression External URLs (Link templates)

If you have an external web-based tool/service, like Jenkins, you can use a Regression plugin to hyperlink from any Simscope Regression to a dynamic URL.

For example, if a user clicks on Regression smoke/1234 in Simscope:

  • They can click Jenkins → redirect the user's browser to https://myjenkins:9876/job/smoke/1234

The URL is dynamic, so it can be based on the Regression Name, Project, etc.

Example Screenshots

Link from the Regression Details page to Jenkins:

Regr External URL

Link from the Regression Search page to Jenkins (after checking a Regression):

Regr External URL2

Instructions to add an External URL Plugin to Simscope

To install a Simscope Regression External URL plugin:

  1. Copy/edit the Python script simscope-regr-external-url

Change the SIMSCOPE_PROJECT_EXTERNAL_LINKS variable to map each:

  • Simscope Project → External URL Template
    • Note: the %s character in the URL template will be replaced with the regression name.
  1. (optional) Change the Python path (first line of the script)

  2. Edit your simscope.config file and add the following:

[regrplugin "jenkins"]
title = "Jenkins"
command = "path/to/simscope-regr-external-url"
  • Note: you can have any name/title for the plugin
  1. Restart Simscope service