Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Post a bug from Simscope to a Custom Bug Tracker

Note: please contact VerOps for additional help with creating bug plugins.

Simscope can connect to any bug tracker and create a bug automatically, by using a custom *plugin.

  • This can be written in any language: Python, Ruby, Perl, shell, etc.

Skeleton Bug Template

Use the Python script


  1. Update your simscope.config file to add a createplugin configuration:
[bugtracker "My Bug Tracker"]
createplugin = "/path/to/"
  1. Restart Simscope server.

  2. From a Simscope Rule page, click "Create My Bug Tracker" button.

  3. If this plugin is successful, Simscope should get a SKELETON-1 bug ID response in Simscope.

  4. Now, convert the script to use your bug tracker.

Testing bugs from the Command Line

You can test the bug create script from the command-line, without needing to use Simscope from the web browser.

Simscope sends a JSON input message to the bug create plugin, to create a bug. This contains:

  • Signature and rule info
  • Bug assignee
  • Bug reporter
  • etc.

The Bug create plugin script must:

  1. Read the JSON input from Simscope
  2. Create a bug (or return an error via stderr)
  3. print a JSON bug response to stdout

1. Create a fake JSON input file

Save this to a file fake-bug-input.json

    "update": {
        "sigid": 1199,
        "subrule": 0,
        "initialns": 0,
        "finalns": 0,
        "query": "component=simscope",
        "statename": "ASSIGNED",
        "assignee": "pdq",
        "issue": "",
        "count": 4,
        "model_finalns": 0,
        "user": "pdq",
        "oldkeys": [
    "component": {
        "id": 29,
        "name": "simscope",
        "project": "simscope",
        "ownerid": "pdq",
        "inactive": false,
        "createdns": 1444863228616872830,
        "updatedns": 1534796519663230838
    "assignee": {
        "uid": "pdq",
        "login": "pdq",
        "name": "Payton Quackenbush",
        "email": "",
        "group": "",
        "admin": true,
        "manager": false,
        "subdaily": true,
        "subimport": false,
        "disabled": false,
        "foreground": 16777215,
        "background": 2317899,
        "initials": "PQ",
        "short_name": "Payton Q."
    "reporter": {
        "uid": "pdq",
        "login": "pdq",
        "name": "Payton Quackenbush",
        "email": "",
        "group": "",
        "admin": true,
        "manager": false,
        "subdaily": true,
        "subimport": false,
        "disabled": false,
        "foreground": 16777215,
        "background": 2317899,
        "initials": "PQ",
        "short_name": "Payton Q."
    "signature": {
        "sigid": 1199,
        "active": true,
        "category": "test",
        "title": "FAIL TestLanding ...",
        "state": {
            "name": "ASSIGNED"
        "firstrev": "9621x",
        "first_model_ts": 1611282125000000000,
        "lastrev": "12437",
        "last_model_ts": 1639687111000000000,
        "jobs": {
            "count": 4,
            "first": {
                "sigid": 1199,
                "active": true,
                "jobns": 1611351843497570000
            "last": {
                "sigid": 1199,
                "active": true,
                "jobns": 1639687819896958000
        "new": 3,
        "assigned": 1,
        "open": 0,
        "wontfix": 0,
        "fixed": 0,
        "ignore": 0,
        "issue_count": 0,
        "issues": "",
        "prune_count": 0,
        "createdns": 1611351843497570000,
        "updatedns": 1639687855373538038,
        "priority": "",
        "classification": ""
    "first_job": {
        "sigid": 1199,
        "active": true,
        "jobns": 1639687819896958000,
        "start_time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "finish_time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "componentid": 29,
        "userid": "pdq",
        "extid": "2",
        "seed": "",
        "model_ts": 1639687111000000000,
        "regrname": "release/12437",
        "model_branch": "default",
        "model_version": "12437",
        "category": "test",
        "build": "release",
        "testgroup": "selftest",
        "config": "sh -c \"cd env && make -j1 test-verops 2>& 1\"",
        "compute_ms": 35437,
        "runtime_ms": 0,
        "simcycles": 0,
        "message": "--- FAIL: TestLanding (0.10s)",
        "host": "quackbook-pro",
        "path": "/Users/pdq/v/simscope/run/release/12437/2",
        "exitcode": 2,
        "result": "fail",
        "assignee": "pdq",
        "issue": "",
        "rulenum": "1",
        "stateid": 1,
        "testname": "",
        "testargs": "",
        "jobid": "",
        "component": "",
        "state": ""
    "sig_url": "http://localhost:8080/sigs/1199",
    "job_url": "http://localhost:8080/sigs/1199/cgh0tlk1pir4"

2. Run bug plugin

On the command-line, run the bug plugin, using the sample JSON input

> cat fake-bug-input.json | /path/
  • NOTE: the script must print JSON response to stdout, or errors to stderr

If successful, you should see a JSON message printed to stdout:

    "bugid": "SKELETON-1",
    "url": "",
    "title": "Simscope Signature 1199: FAIL TestLanding ...",
    "state": "To Do",
    "priority": "Medium",
    "project": "SATURN",
    "component": "RTL-ABC",
    "assignee_email": "",
    "reporter_email": "",
    "created": "2021-08-02T16:16:38.874-05:00",
    "updated": "2021-12-16T17:43:44.726581-06:00"