Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Manual Changelist Import

Simscope can manually import integrate changelists via the script simscope-import-changelists .

NOTE: this will only run for users with administrator privileges.

TSV file

This uses tab-separated-value files to describe the changelists.

See Commit changelists for examples.

Example import session for an integrate regression

This will link one or more changelists (from a TSV file) to a parent integrate regression.

This requires 2 parameters:

  • --regression (regression name)
  • path to changelist TSV file
> PATH/TO/simscope-import-changelists --regr=dev/9533x changelist.tsv

If successful, you should see a message similar to this:

Regression    dev/9533x
Project       simscope
Branch        default
Model Version 9533x (timestamp: 1610662477000000000)
"imported 1 commits from /Users/pdq/v/simscope/changelist.tsv"

Example import session for commits

This requires 3 parameters:

  • --project (project name)
  • --branch (branch name)
  • path to changelist TSV file
> PATH/TO/simscope-import-changelists --project=myproj --branch=mybranch \

If successful, you should see a message similar to this:

"imported 1 commits from /home/pdq/v/simscope/changelists.tsv"