Knowledge Base Administration Guide


If you want to build a custom Simscope bug integration/plugin, here is a basic introduction, using Curl from the command-line.

Curl prerequisites

To run any of the following commands, make sure you have the Curl API working.

Note: replace SERVER with your simscope server hostname (or IP address).

Sample JSON Issue

Here is a sample Issue SIM-37 rendered via JSON:

    "bugid": "SIM-37",
    "project": "Simscope",
    "title": "Simscope Signature 1183: FAIL TestJobSearchParse ...",
    "component": "Server",
    "branch": "",
    "designation": "DV",
    "state": "To Do",
    "priority": "Medium",
    "reporter_email": "",
    "assignee_email": "",
    "created": "2019-11-13T20:40:13.531-05:00",
    "updated": "2019-11-14T14:20:11.102-05:00",
    "resolved": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "url": ""

Get issue via Curl

> curl --location --data-urlencode "apitoken@$HOME/.simscope.apitoken" -G \
  • replace BUG-ID with your bug ID

replace server with your simscope server hostname (or IP address)

Example JSON response:

    "bugid": "SIM-37",
    "project": "Simscope",
    "title": "Simscope Signature 1183: FAIL TestJobSearchParse ...",
    "component": "Server",
    "branch": "",
    "designation": "DV",
    "state": "To Do",
    "priority": "Medium",
    "reporter_email": "",
    "assignee_email": "",
    "created": "2019-11-13T20:40:13.531-05:00",
    "updated": "2019-11-14T14:20:11.102-05:00",
    "resolved": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "url": ""

Post issue via Curl

To add (or update) an issue:

  1. Save the issue metadata as a JSON file called bug-test.json:
    "bugid": "SIM-1",
    "project": "Simscope",
    "title": "Hello world, this is a bug",
    "component": "test-bug-component",
    "branch": "",
    "designation": "RTL",
    "state": "To Do",
    "priority": "Medium",
    "reporter_email": "",
    "assignee_email": "",
    "created": "2020-12-18T13:43:07.462-05:00",
    "updated": "2020-12-18T13:43:07.462-05:00",
    "resolved": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "url": ""
  1. Run the following command (replace SERVER:8080):
> curl --location --data-urlencode "apitoken@$HOME/.simscope.apitoken" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
-XPOST "http://server:8080/api/issues/TEST-BUG-1000" --data @bug-test.json

If successful, you should see a JSON response:

    "bugid": "TEST-BUG-1000",
    "project": "Simscope",
    "title": "Hello world, this is a bug",
    "component": "test-bug-component",
    "branch": "",
    "designation": "RTL",
    "state": "To Do",
    "priority": "Medium",
    "reporter_email": "",
    "assignee_email": "",
    "created": "2020-12-18T13:43:07.462-05:00",
    "updated": "2020-12-18T13:43:07.462-05:00",
    "resolved": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "url": ""

View the bug metadata

Open your browser and go to http://server:8080/issues/TEST-BUG-1000 :

Sample bug

Error 409: Stale update timestamp

If you get an response similar to the following:

    "code": 409,
    "error": "issue {TEST-BUG-1000} stale update timestamp: 2020-12-18T13:43:07-05:00"

This is a warning, indicating you are updating a bug with an updated timestamp that is not newer than Simscope's cache of the bug, so Simscope has skipped updating it.

  • This prevents Simscope from doing a redundant bug update.
  • To override this, use a newer updated timestamp.

Download list of all bugs in Simscope

To download a list of all bugs known in Simscope (so you can query a list of bugs in an external bug tracker):

> curl --location --data-urlencode "apitoken@$HOME/.simscope.apitoken" -G \

If successful, you should see a JSON array response similar to the following:
