Knowledge Base Administration Guide


Jobs are completed tasks tracked within Simscope. This can represent any task which can complete with a pass or fail status, including compiles, simulations, test generations, emulations, lint checks, etc.

A Job is the smallest item tracked within Simscope. Each job is linked to a single parent Regression. This also means each job is linked to a single Component.

Sample Job



Each job is grouped into a Category, indicating the type of job.

  • Categories enable grouping of Signatures. For example, you can view all sim signatures or all compile signatures.

Example Simscope categories (you can choose any category names you desire):

compileBuild results
simSimulation results
genIf using generated tests
lintIf capturing lint results
emu (or fpga)If using emulation or FPGA's

Job Categories can be customized to your workflow via the categories variable in simscope.config file.


Each Job has a single result: pass or fail (or skip — if skip jobs are enabled in your simscope configuration).

  • Pass indicates the job completed successfully. Simscope tracks the statistics of Pass jobs, for data mining purposes.

  • Fail jobs must have an additional fail_message string. This should be the first fail detected for the job. Simscope will automatically Bucketize the message the message into a Signature.

Live Job Tracking

Simscope can track both completed jobs, and also LIVE jobs (ie queued/running/pending state). Live jobs are optional, but useful if you want to track in-flight progress.

Note: See Live jobs for more details.

Job State

Jobs have a state field, which can be changed via manual assignments or rules.

  • New, Assigned, Open, Fixed, Wontfix, Ignore

→ See States in the Knowledge Base for more details.

Example error messages

For failing jobs, Simscope tracks both a raw error message, and a grouped Signature for each job.

Example errors:

[core] FATAL simulation timeout at 5.2ms


|t.cpu.core0.fs7| data mismatch filling store buffer: expected=24'h16a7 actual=24'h76a7

Job timestamps

Simscope tracks a start time, finish time, and compute time for each job.

Depending on your workflow, you just need to supply two of these fields, and Simscope will compute the third automatically. For example, you can provide a start time and compute time, and Simscope will calculate the finish time.

Classifications (Classes)

Classifications enable grouping of error signatures. This also enables customizing pass rates by excluding some classifications.

See Signature Classifications for more details.