Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Simscope Release History — v400 — 409


feature Added rerun skeleton

Simscope now includes a Python rerun script template, which can be used to build a regression re-run flow.


feature Added support for Azure OIDC

Simscope can now authenticate user accounts with Microsoft Azure OIDC.


feature Added Job Attachment interface

Added Job Attachment interface.

  • This can be used to mark simulations being re-run, ready with waves/log available, etc.

Job attachment


1. bugfix Issue auto-resolve improvements

Issue Auto-Resolve improvements. Emails now show branch and fix SHA in the subject line.

2. bugfix Issue dropdown box CSS fix

The issue dropdown box had bugs in prior versions, where it would clip the title of the Bug from display. This is now fixed.


feature Issue Auto-resolve with manual assignments

Issue Auto-Resolve now works to resolve rules and manual assignments automatically.

  • Note this will currently only resolve manual assignments if they are in a single project and single branch.


1. feature Added inconsistent model_timestamp detector

If Simscope detects an invalid Regression model_timestamp field, it will now display an error message in the Regression, to indicate a JSON data problem.


2. bugfix Improved JIRA bug creation

The JIRA bug creation script now detects if the JIRA API user has reporter privileges, and will only attempt to set this field if the user has privileges.


feature Improved overflow bucket

When hitting Regression Signature Overflow, Simscope now keeps the original bucket value of the job, so it can be debugged in the future.

Job Overflow bucket


1. feature Changed regression JSON metadata to upsert

When updating JSON Regression Metadata, Simscope now combines/merges the metadata records with the existing metadata, rather than deleting/replacing.

For example, if you publish this regression JSON:

"custom_metadata": [
    ["Status", "running"],
    ["Configuration", "+foo +bar=3"],
    ["Perforce CL", "110291"]

And then publish a regr-update to the same regression with this JSON:

"custom_metadata": [
    ["Functional Coverage", "91.24"],
    ["Status", "complete"],
    ["Line Coverage", "97.71"]

→ Simscope will automatically merge (combine) into this JSON:

"custom_metadata": [
    ["Status", "complete"],
    ["Configuration", "+foo +bar=3"],
    ["Perforce CL", "110291"],
    ["Functional Coverage", "91.24"],
    ["Line Coverage", "97.71"]

2. feature Added progress bars to coverage view

The Coverage DB now shows progress bars beside each coverage group.

Coverage Progress


feature New runtime / job charts

Added new chart metrics:

  • Runtime / Job
    • total_runtime / total_jobs
  • Runtime / Pass
    • total_runtime / total_pass
  • Compute versus Runtime (efficiency %)
    • total_compute / total_runtime
    • This is useful to see how much overhead there is in running jobs
      • 50% indicates only half of the job time is using CPU
      • 200% indicates two CPU cores running in parallel


bugfix Fixed race condition with slow SMTP servers

Fixed a race condition where slow SMTP servers could periodically hang Simscope, while SMTP email messages were being delivered.