Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Simscope Release History — v480 — 489


1. feature Histogram drilldown

Users can click Histogram bins, to drill into a list of jobs within the bin.


2. bugfix My Searches

Moved the My Searches dropdown to the right of the List button, to make it easier to use.


1. bugfix User access bug fixed


In previous releases, there was a bug where re-enabling disabled users could result in a user which cannot access certain pages.

This bug is now fixed.

2. bugfix Gantt sort by duration

Gantt chart sort by duration now works.

3. feature Gantt ascending and descending sort

Gantt charts can now be sorted in ascending or descending order.

4. feature Increased Gantt limits

Increased Gantt chart limits from 1000 to 2500 events, to allow for larger charts.


feature Coverage Merge


Coverage DB models can now be dynamically merged into a single model.


1. feature Coverage DB search and charting

This release includes a Beta feature of Coverage DB model searching and charting.

Users can filter models by:

  • Regression
  • Date
  • Coverage Group
  • Coverage Point

Users can chart model scores, with series grouped on:

  • Coverage Model
  • Coverage Group
  • Note that charts can be filtered by coverage group/point as well.

2. feature Compressed coverage model publish

Coverage DB models can now be published with compression enabled, so that larger models can be sent as messages.

3. bugfix Improved login error message

Login errors now indicate the admin email address, to give better contact information to the end user.

4. feature Gantt by Job Hostname

Regression Gantt Charts can now be grouped by Job Hostname.

Gantt by hostname

5. bugfix Chart drilldown bug

In previous releases, when clicking on chart data to drilldown into a test search, the build and test group fields would be omitted from the drilldown URL.

This bug is now fixed.


1. feature Azure Application Authentication

Simscope can now authenticate with Azure/ADO using Application Authentication, instead of Personal Access Tokens.

2. feature Regression compare improvements

Regression compare improvements:

  • Allows filtering of signatures by Build and/or Test Group fields.
  • Compare now allows up to 1000 signatures per regression, shown side-by-side.
  • Added percentage delta of signature counts.

3. bugfix Scatter plot chart hover fix

When hovering over regressions in regression scatter plots, the previous releases could render the wrong regression link.

4. bugfix Coverage group vertical scrolling

The coverage DB now renders coverage groups with a vertical scroll bar, to make it easier to select and drill-down into coverage groups.


1. feature Regression Details Improvements

Improved Regression Details page to access:

2. feature Added script

The script can be used to:

  • List active assignments for a user, grouped by Issue (ie bug/tag).
  • Unassign a specific Issue (move back to NEW state).
  • Auto-unassign one or more issues, based on name of the issue.

3. feature Float job metadata rounding

Added automatic rounding of floating-point job metadata to 3 decimals.

4. bugfix Fixed NULL behavior in numeric metadata

Numeric job metadata values (int, uint64, float) now handle NULL (ie blank) values properly during comparisons expressions:

  • Greater-than, Less-than, and Not-equals operators now treat NULL numeric metadata value as non-match.
    • Previously these would be incorrectly coerced as a zero value.


1. bugfix Bulk User Group join/leave for administrators

In previous versions, Bulk User Group Join/Leave would fail if Administrator users were selected.

→ This bug is now fixed.

2. bugfix Running=0 bug

In previous versions, if updating the Regression JSON running value to 0 (zero), this value would be ignored incorrectly.

→ This bug is now fixed.

3. bugfix Page sharing for secure projects

Page Sharing now follows the session user privileges, so that secure project data can be shared.

There is now a Histogram link, to view a regression histogram directly.


1. feature Improvements to Regression Compare (Diff by Job)

  • Filter by Build
  • Filter by Test Group
  • Filter by Test Config
  • Added job limit increase. Previously this was limited to 500 differences. There is now an option to show up to 5000 differences.
  • Compute Time Delta: now shows a percentage change column.

Compute diff

2. feature Improvements to the Regression Histogram

Job histogram

3. bugfix Fixed job sort by CPS

Job sort by CPS was broken in previous releases, for jobs with CPS greater than 1000.


feature Improvements to the Regression Search Table

Three improvements:

  1. For Live Regressions, the Duration column now shows a text-based percentage of completion percentage (e.g. 85%, instead of a red progress bar.

  2. The Jobs column now represents Total jobs submitted in the regression (including Running/Submitted), instead of total finished.

# Note: Jobs column is the greater of: (running/finished) and (submitted)
Jobs = MAX(Running + Pass + Fail + Skip, Submitted)
  1. When clicking the Jobs column, this now hyperlinks to the test list view, to view all jobs in a regression.

Example screenshot:

Live regression table


1. feature Added Restricted Projects

Projects can now be restricted to users of a specific User Group.

For example, to restrict Project sandstorm to users in the group army:

[project "sandstorm"]
# Project User Group restrictions
group = "army"


  • Administrators are members of all groups, so they can always access any project.
  • Ungrouped projects are by default public.


2. feature Added simscope-dashboard-download and simscope-dashboard-upload scripts

Added two new Python scripts to help with Metric Dashboard download/upload. This can be used to either:

  • Create dashboards from scripts
  • Copy dashboards between Simscope instances

To download a dashboard (including its charts) to a JSON file:

  • Note: replace SOURCE-simscope and SOURCE_APITOKEN
> bin/ "username/My Dashboard" -o dashboard.json \
--addr=http://SOURCE-simscope:1234 --apitoken=SOURCE_APITOKEN
  • This will download "username/My Dashboard" into file dashboard.json

To upload a dashboard JSON file (including its charts):

  • Note: replace DEST-simscope and DEST_APITOKEN
> bin/ "username/My Dashboard2" -i dashboard.json \
--addr=http://DEST-simscope:1234" --apitoken=DEST_APITOKEN
  • This will upload dashboard.json to "username/My Dashboard2"

3. feature Added Regression live-auto-refresh

When viewing Live Regressions in the browser, Simscope will now automatically refresh the web page periodically as the regression makes progress.