Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Database (DB) Repair/Restore


Please contact if you would like an interactive walkthrough of DB repair/restore/recovery.


On some filesystems (or if you are running Simscope under an incorrectly configured Docker/Kubernetes instance, it is possible the database can be damaged.

If this happens, you may need to either:

  • Restore the database from backup.
  • Repair the database.

Backup / Snapshots

Note: you must maintain a Backup (or Snapshot) of your Simscope instance.

For production, Simscope needs a constant backup or snapshot, in case of hardware failure.

Backup options available. Note that snapshots are the preferred mechanism, as they are fast processes.

Directory snapshotsunder NFS/NetApp
Volume snapshotsunder Docker/Kubernetes
Manual rsync backupNightly or weekly. Note this is quite slow

Restore from Backup

To Restore a Simscope from Backup,

  • Stop the Simscope server (if running)
  • Rename the current Simscope db/ directory to a backup name (ie db.bkp/)
  • Copy the snapshot/TIMESTAMP/db/ to the location of the db/ directory
    • It's best to use: rsync -a /path/to/snapshot/TIMESTAMP/db/ /path/to/simscope/db/
  • Temporarily turn off RabbitMQ in your simscope.config, to ensure Simscope does not attempt to start processing new data.
  • Start Simscope server with the --readonly mode set.

If the database has issues, you can stop the server, and restore from a different backup.

If everything is okay, then you can turn back on writes:

  • Edit your simcsope.config and re-enable the RabbitMQ
  • Simscope again without the --readonly option.


It is possible to misconfigure Kubernetes and Docker, such that they incorrectly allow multiple Simscope server container instances (or pods) writing to the database in parallel.

  • If this occurs, the database may be corrupted.

You must ensure atomic access to the database volume (ie only one container can be serving a Simscope volume).

ReadWriteOnce flag

If hosting Simscope within Kubernetes volumes, you must ensure your Persistent Volume is configured with atomic access.

Set the volume accessMode to:

  • ReadWriteOnce
  • (do not use the default of ReadWriteMany)

Example PersistentVolumeClaim with ReadWriteOnce ✅ (note this is using a manual storageClassName):

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: simscope-db
    type: local
  storageClassName: manual
    storage: 20Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    path: "/mnt/simscope_db"
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: simscope-db-claim
  storageClassName: manual
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 25Gi

Debug: Readonly Server Mode

To run Simscope in read-only mode, add the command-line argument --readonly

  • This will turn of database writes, and turn of RabbitMQ reads, so you can inspect the server without changing the data (or processing new RabbitMQ data)

Repair Procedure

To repair Simscope DB tables, start the server with the --repair option.

  • This will walk the tables and repair records (if they are recoverable).
  • This can take a long time, depending on your database size.


$ bin/simscope serve --config /path/to/simscope.config --db /path/to/simscope/db/ --readonly --repair

You will see lines similar to this in the log:

[INFO ] Repairing db table=/path/to/simscope/db/tagged

DB Consistency Check

To run a consistency/integrity check on the DB tables:

> PRAGMA integrity_check;


For a quick check:

> PRAGMA quick_check;
