Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Install Simscope Tunnel

These instructions walk through installation of the Tunnel.

Note: you can install and run the Tunnel as either a normal Linux user or as root user.


What is the Tunnel? See Simscope Tunnel for more info.

a. Download Simscope Tunnel

To download:

# NOTE: this URL is provided from VerOps
> tar zxf TUNNEL-DIR.tar.gz

# Symlink this, so the tunnel can be updated later
> ln -s TUNNEL-DIR tunnel-latest

b. Configure Tunnel

Create a file on disk simscope-tunnel.config:

  • Store this file at $SIMSCOPE_CONFIG/simscope-tunnel.config

Change the Rabbit hostname, username, password

c. Copy


d. Start Tunnel

> bin/

If successful, you should see output similar to this:

2020-03-16 15:24:04 [INFO ] Tunnel configuration:
 Name                  | config/simscope-tunnel.config
 Tunnel input queue    | tunnel-in
 Tunnel input decoder  | verops/tunnel.DecodeJSONJob
 Input bindings        | -
 Output Simscope queue | simscope-in
 Auto Flush            | 30s (1000 jobs)
 Auto Reconnect        | 5s
 Bucketizer            | -
 Classifications       | -
 Componentize          | -
2020-03-16 15:24:04 [INFO ] Simscope Tunnel connected to Rabbit version=1.25 addr=
2020-03-16 15:24:04 [INFO ] Tunneling version=1.25 configs=1

NOTE: the tunnel runs as a server, so you should leave this process running.

e. (optional) Configure Rabbit authentication via Python

Note: Skip this step if using a binary release of the Tunnel.

This requires the Python pip package manager. Please contact your system administrator if you do not have pip

Install Python pika library:

> pip install pika

Edit $SIMSCOPE_TUNNEL/rabbitmq/ and change the authentication to match your RabbitMQ authentication

f. Publish Example Regression

Publish Example Regression walks through a simple Regression publish using Simscope and the Tunnel.