Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Regression Metadata Dashboard

Simscope can show regressions grouped in a Metadata Dashboard view.

Here is an example, showing 7 components and their latest coverage.

Meta dashboard

Accessing the Dashboard

Regressions can now be grouped by Component, so you can view a high level of:

  • Each component
  • Latest model (ie SHA/changelist)
  • Latest regression
  • Latest metadata results

To view the Metadata Dashboard:

  1. Click Regressions at the top of any page.
  2. On the left side, under Display Mode click Metadata Dashboard.

Storing Regression Metadata

Any metadata in Regressions which are numeric (ie integer or float values) will display in the dashboard.

  • String values will be omitted.

JSON data format

→ See the custom_metadata section for storing regression-level metadata values via JSON.

Hierarchical Metadata

You can optionally store hierarchical metadata using the format PARENT.CHILD

For example, you can store Area.combo and Area.noncombo, and Simscope will group these into:

  • A parent group called Area
  • Two child metadata points (combo and noncombo)

Hierarchical Example

Here is an example with 7 hierarchical metadata values:


The Regression JSON metadata for this example is:

    "custom_metadata": [
            "+foo +bar +daily-random"
            "syn log.warnings",
            "syn log.errors",

Heatmap Colorization

If you check the Heatmap checkbox, metadata fields will be rendered using the bulitin Heatmap color scheme, based on their values.

This makes it easier to spot metadata changes visually.


Colorize fields in the Regression Metric Dashboard

Metadata fields can be optionally colorized, similar to Heatmap Charts.


Config example

This simscope.config configuration sets the func_coverage, line_coverage, and score fields to be:

  • Green if greater than or equal to 95%, 97%, and 98% respectively
  • Red otherwise
[fieldcolor "func_coverage"]
# Turn off blending between colors
noblend = true

color = "0.0  #ffcccc"  # red
color = "0.95 #c8efd1"  # green

[fieldcolor "line_coverage"]
# Turn off blending between colors
noblend = true

color = "0.0  #ffcccc"  # red
color = "0.97 #c8efd1"  # green

[fieldcolor "score"]
# Turn off blending between colors
noblend = true

color = "0.0  #ffcccc"  # red
color = "0.98 #c8efd1"  # green