Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Integrated models for Perforce (p4)

This plugin enables Perforce models for Simscope, allowing Rules to be resolved by any Perforce changelist ID.


1. Install Python Perforce package

If you do not have the python-perforce package, run the following command to install it:

> pip install python-perforce

2. Copy and edit plugin

Copy the file simscope-perforce-commit-info to your $SIMSCOPE/bin directory.

Change the following lines:

1. Edit the #! line to point to your Python directory

3. Edit Simscope configuration

Add this to your simscope.config file:

  • NOTE: the fixinfo line points to your $SIMSCOPE/bin directory.
enable = true

fixinfo = "bin/dist-simscope/simscope-perforce-commit-info '%(commitid)'"

searchchangelistdb = true

4. Restart Simscope server

Restart the Simscope server and this plugin will activate.

Verify Rule resolve

To verify the plugin works:

  1. From the Signature search page, click on an active Rule.

  2. Change the State to Fixed.

  3. Type in a Perforce changelist.

  4. Click Preview.

If successful, you should see a response similar to this:

SVN Resolve