Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Simscope Custom CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Simscope's HTML Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) rules can be customized, for your company or group.

  • This is useful for changing colors, fonts, or icons, to fit with your workflow.
  • You can also hide fields if you do not want them displayed.

Admin: Enabling Custom CSS

To enable CSS in Simscope:

  1. Save the CSS to a text file on disk. You can name the file anything desired.
  2. Add the following to your simscope.config file.
# Enable custom Simscope CSS
# >
customcsspath = "/path/to/simscope-custom.css"

Example CSS: Change Bug Icons

Note: see Bugs for more details.

This example has custom CSS rules to change the display of bugs based on its external bug tracker state (e.g. from JIRA):

  • Draw a strike-through line through resolved bugs.
  • Prepend verification bugs with DV
  • Prepend verification bugs with RTL
  • Prepend bugs in To Do state with ToDo

Bug List with custom CSS

  • SIM-33 and SIM-34 are prefixed with a ToDo tag
  • SIM-15 is line-though (resolved)
  • .DEBUG is a yellow tag.

Custom CSS for Bugs

/* Simscope custom CSS for bugs */

/* Resolved line through
.extbug.resolved {
    color: #777!important;
    text-decoration: line-through;

.extbug.DV:before {
    content: "DV"!important;
    font-family: inherit;

.extbug.RTL:before {
    content: "RTL"!important;
    font-family: inherit;

/* Change display of bugs in [To Do] state */
.extbug.To.Do:before {
    content: "ToDo"!important;
    font-family: inherit;

Example CSS: hide Cycles, CPS fields

This example will hide Cycles and CPS fields from Regressions and Stats pages:

/* Hide the Cycles and CPS fields */
.field-cycles, .field-cps {
    display: none!important;