Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Integrated vs Unintegrated Models

Simscope distinguishes between integrated and unintegrated models, to use when Resolving Rules.

  • To Resolve a Rule, Simscope requires the Fix ID (ie SHA) to be from an integrated model. This indicates the fix has been committed to your mainline branch.

If your group uses feature branches and continuous integration, then merged commits are integrated, and unmerged/local commits are unintegrated.

✅ Integrated Models

Integrated Models:

  • Are committed to a mainline or public branch.
  • Can be seen and reproduced for other users.

Unintegrated Models

Unintegrated Models are:

  • Local/private models, which are not reproducible for other users.

This indicates the Regression is either:

  1. On a local/private branch (instead of master, main, trunk, etc.)
    • For example, you are working on a development/feature branch.
  2. Has local/pending changes that are not yet checked in.
    • For example, you are working on HEAD but have local files modified.

How to see if a Model is Integrated or Unintegrated

Integrated models are displayed with a blue checkmark ✅ next to them in Simscope.

Unintegrated are displayed without them.

This screenshot of Regressions shows 4 regressions which are on integrated models, and the remainder are unintegrated.


How to fix Unintegrated Models: Publish Integrated Models

To publish an integrated model, set the integrate field to true when publishing your Regression JSON.

"integrate": true,