Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Simscope in Docker (or Kubernetes / k8s)

Note: this is an alternative installation flow, for groups who want a simpler administration of Simscope.

Simscope, Tunnel, and RabbitMQ can all be run within Docker containers.

  • This enables a convenient method to configure and install the services.
  • As opposed to running in Linux Virtual Machines, or bare metal servers.

Docker Services

Simscope's Docker flow includes 3 services (ie 3 containers):

  1. RabbitMQ server (dependency)
  2. Tunnel server
  3. Simscope server

Directory Tree

Here is what the Simscope docker/ directory tree looks like:

├── Makefile
├── config
│   ├── simscope-tunnel.config
│   ├── simscope.config
│   └── simscope.env
├── docker-compose.yml
├── example-json
│   ├── example-job-fail.json
│   ├── example-job-pass.json
│   ├── example-regr-update.json
│   └── example-regr.json
├── releases
│   └── README.txt
├── simscope
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── Dockerfile.jira
│   └── bin
│       └──
└── tunnel
    ├── Dockerfile
    └── bin


To configure Simscope Docker:

  1. Download and untar simscope-docker.tar.gz

  2. Copy your Simscope license file to the config/ directory.

  3. Download Simscope and Tunnel gzips into the release/ directory.

    • NOTE: you do not need to untar these gzip files.
  4. Edit config/simscope.env

# Simscope Docker configuration/environment

# Host HTTP port for Simscope web

# Simscope external URL (outside docker): displayed in email links
# Alternate URL format (SSL)
# SIMSCOPE_EXTERNAL_URL=https://docker-hostname:${SIMSCOPE_WEB_PORT}

# Simscope license key file

# Simscope release filename (gzip)
# Note: use a *symlink*, so this can be upgraded without changing the config file.

# Tunnel release filename (gzip)
# Note: use a *symlink*, so this can be upgraded without changing the config file.

# Set Rabbit password (instead of guest/anonymous)



Change the following variables:

  • SIMSCOPE_WEB_PORT → set to the port you want to host Simscope externally
  • SIMSCOPE_EXTERNAL_URL → set to the local machine's hostname or IP address
  • SIMSCOPE_LICENSE → filename of your license file
  • RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS → (optional) to change the RabbitMQ password

Note: see the Upgrade notes below, to download/symlink Tunnel/Simscope binaries.

Docker Volume (ReadWriteOnce)

If hosting Simscope within Kubernetes volumes, you must ensure your Persistent Volume is configured with atomic access to the volume.

Set the volume accessMode to:

  • ReadWriteOnce
  • (do not use the default of ReadWriteMany)

Example PersistentVolumeClaim with ReadWriteOnce ✅:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: simscope-db
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 25Gi

Docker Volume Snapshots

You must maintain snapshots in Docker, in case the pod is destroyed.


kind: VolumeSnapshot
  name: new-snapshot-test
  volumeSnapshotClassName: csi-hostpath-snapclass
    persistentVolumeClaimName: pvc-test

Docker Mountpoints

The Simscope and RabbitMQ containers inside of Docker store data into mountpoints (volumes), so that data can be restored when the containers restart.

  • Note: you should back up these mount points daily, in case of machine or disk/volume failure.

Running Containers

Simscope Docker services are launched from the included Makefile .

  • This uses the docker compose flow.

Just run:

> make run

This will download the container dependencies and start all 3 containers.

After compiling, this should take around 30 seconds to start.

If successful, you should see a message similar to this:

docker-simscope-1  | [INFO ] ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
docker-simscope-1  | [INFO ] Simscope version=1.471 build=2024-03-02 pid=1
docker-simscope-1  | [INFO ] Serving HTTP url=http://docker-hostname:8081 local=http://docker-hostname:80
docker-simscope-1  | [INFO ] ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

In your local web browser (outside of Docker), open the URL and you should see a Simscope login web page:


Note: the initial admin password will be printed to the Docker terminal. Here is an example:

docker-simscope-1  | ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
docker-simscope-1  | admin account issued new password: ABCDEFGHIJ
docker-simscope-1  |
docker-simscope-1  |         → Go to the [Change Password] page in your browser to change this passw
docker-simscope-1  | ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  • You can log in and change the admin account password afterward.

Simscope Docker configuration

This flow includes basic config/simscope.config and `config/simscope-tunnel.config files.

You should customize yours to set up:

  • Project names
    • Default branches
  • Server timezone
  • Administrator email address
  • Job categories
  • SMTP email
  • Optional configuration
    • LDAP/OIDC authentication
    • Bug tracker
    • Source control diff
    • Regression plugins
    • Signature classifications
    • Job metadata
  • etc.

Stopping Docker

To stop the Docker services, you can Ctrl-C from the terminal.

Upgrading Simscope/Tunnel Releases for Docker

To upgrade to a new version of Simscope or the Tunnel within a Docker installation:

  1. Download new tar.gz files into the releases/ directory.
  2. Symlink the gz file:
    • For Tunnel → tunnel-latest.tar.gz
    • For Simscope → simscope-latest.tar.gz
  3. Start Docker again: make run .

Publishing JSON Data to Simscope outside of Docker

Once Docker is running, you can publish to it from any Linux machine on the same network as your Docker instance.

In other words, you can communicate from:

  • Linux (client) → Docker (server)

You just need the Tunnel downloaded outside of Docker into a shared Linux directory.

To publish a Regression start JSON from Linux into Docker RabbitMQ:

> path/simscope-tunnel --config=simscope-tunnel-local.config --publish=regr-start \
example-json/example-regr.json --regression=smoke/123
  • Note the simscope-tunnel-local.config file needs an AMQP path of the Docker hostname where Simscope is running and the RabbitMQ password credentials

Test Publish into Docker

There is a test regression you can publish to Simscope Docker, to check if your configuration is working.

From Host Linux (not from the Docker container):

  1. Edit docker/Makefile and change this line to your local Linux tunnel path:
TUNNEL_PATH := /PATH/to/bin/simscope-tunnel

Note: this is the same tunnel as within Docker, except it is used in client-mode, to publish JSON to RabbitMQ.

  1. Run this command:

Note: set RABBIT_URL to the URL of your Docker Rabbit URL

> RABBIT_URL=amqp://guest:password@localhost:5672/ make simscope-test-rabbit-publish

If successful, you should see terminal output similar to this:

[DEBUG] Enabled debug logging mode
[DEBUG] Commandline: [/PATH/TO/simscope/bin/simscope-tunnel --config=config/simscope-tunnel.config --regression=smoke/131 --debug --publish=job-finish example-json/example-job-fail.json]

And if everything worked correctly, Simscope should have a test regression in the web page:

Docker regression

List Containers

To list active docker containers, use docker ps:

pdq@quackbook-pro ~/sc $ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS          PORTS                                                                                                         NAMES
8109f4913c1d   docker_simscope                     "bin/"        8 minutes ago   Up 30 seconds>80/tcp

Interactive Container Debug

To debug a docker container, you can start an interactive shell session on it via docker exec.

Here is an example, running whoami interactively:

> docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> bash

> root@8109f4913c1d:/simscope# whoami

> root@8109f4913c1d:/simscope# exit
  • Type exit to exit out of the container shell session.