Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Simscope Release History — v370 — 379


feature Server start/stop notification emails

Simscope now sends an email upon server start/stop, to automatically notify the administrator.


feature Automatic Database Backup

Simscope now has the capability for a weekly automatic database backup.

Set a backup directory in your simscope.config file, and Simscope will automatically perform a weekly database backup to the directory on Sunday morning.

  • After finishing, Simscope will also send a success/failure notification email.
# Automatic weekly Simscope database backup
dir = "/PATH/TO/simscope-backup"
  • Note: Simscope uses the rsync command to perform the backup efficiently.

Example email notification

Backup email


bugfix Improved Okta directory support


This version has improvements for Simscope polling Okta directory of users, using API tokens.

  • Simscope should poll the directory hourly, and least-recent users will be deactivated automatically.


feature Added machine memory free notifications

You can now configure Simscope to monitor machine memory free, and send an email notification if memory drops below a minimum level.

  • For example, if the machine has less than 20% of memory available, send an email notification.

To enable, add the following to your simscope.config file:

# Minimum machine memory free percentage (notifications)
minmemorypercent = 20

Example notification email:

Mem notification


1. feature Added Simscope process memory tracking

Simscope now runs the ps command to get statistics on its process and machine memory statistics. It displays these in the Admin area.


2. bugfix Table copy/paste bug fixed

Fixed a table copy/paste bug, where the skip column was not showing its title in the pasted output.

3. bugfix Allow unassigned signatures in the Test Metrics

Test Metrics (ie /stats/) now includes unassigned signatures in the Top Signatures table column, if you are using Test Groups.

Previously, this would only display assigned signatures.


  • Additional coverage diff improvements.

  • Fixed a hang bug during Component Purge, where Rabbit/Regression imports would hang until purge completes. Now Simscope will interleave purging and importing.


1. feature Coverage Diff

Added the first implementation of Coverage Diff, to compare the results from two coverage databases (either formal or line/functional coverage).

  • Statistics differences
  • Cover point/formal property result changes
  • Added/removed points/properties

Example screenshot:

Formal coverage

2. feature Added skip rename

For groups who want to rename the Skip job field to a different name (within the GUI), like Unwritten, you can do that via the simscope.config file.

  • Note: internally within Simscope, the data is still stored as skip, but renamed within the display.

This example renames Skip to Unwritten:

enableskip = true
# Rename the skip field in display
renameskip = "Unwritten"

Example screenshot:

Skip rename

3. feature JIRA self-signed certificates

Updated the Python JIRA integration to allow ignoring self-signed certificates.


1. bugfix Saved search delete bugfix

Minor bug fixed when deleting Saved Searches.

Previously, if you delete a saved regression/signature search, and you were previously using this search (within your browser cookies), Simscope would give you search errors until you reset the search.

Now, the user's browser cookie will be deleted after deleting any saved search.

2. feature Formal coverage improvements

This release includes a variety of improvements for Formal coverage tracking:

  1. Sort properties by fields in either ascending/descending order.
  2. Use checkboxes to filter by Type or Result fields.
  3. Summary section shows hierarchical sibling coverage.
  4. Added a Reset button, to clear all coverage filters.

Formal coverage


feature Chart series renaming


See Custom Series Buckets for docs and an example.


Added beta chart support for grouping by Job Hostname.

  • For example, chart CPS by hostname, to see which groups of hosts have higher/lower simulation performance over time.
  • Note: this is a slow query which walks the job table, so performance is limited.

Group by hostname