Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Simscope Server

Simscope runs as a client/server model. An administrator runs a single server daemon process, and multiple user clients can connect to the server, via web browsers or command-line scripts.

Tag Terminology

Tags are a grouping/filtering mechanism used withinin Simscope.

Simscope uses the name Tag in three separate contexts:

Issue TagDynamicA Job is assigned to the Issue .DEBUG
Regression TagDynamicA regression is tagged as release
Job TagsStaticFor example, a Job is tagged as coverage+fpga
  • Note: Static indicates the value cannot be changed; Dynamic can be changed.


The Simscope server is configured via simscope.config.

License Key

NOTE: the Simscope server requires a license key file for it to run. This key should be saved on disk, and the path to it set inside of simscope.config.

Web Client Requirements

Simscope web client can be accessed from any HTML5 web browser, on most platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS).

Web BrowserMinimum Version
Internet Explorer11


Simscope internally manages its own database tables, using both an embedded SQL data store, and a key/value store. (It does not use an external SQL server for table storage.)

Simscope uses a single database directory (db), where all data is both stored and queried. This path is configured via the --db=/path/to/dbdir command-line option.

Upon first startup, Simscope will automatically populate the database directory with its schema.