Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Simscope Integration Checklist

This is a standard list of tasks for integrating your company simulation workflow into Simscope.

Simulation Run Scripts

[ ] Emit Regression start JSON
[ ] Emit Regression finish JSON
[ ] Emit Job finish JSON

[ ] Verify JSON message post into RabbitMQ

Integration Tasks

[ ] RabbitMQ installed
    [ ] Tunnel configured
        [ ] Understand how to start tunnel
        [ ] Understand how to stop tunnel

[ ] Simscope installed
    [ ] Understand how to start server
    [ ] Understand how to stop server

[ ] Screen
    [ ] Tunnel running
    [ ] Simscope running

[ ] Simscope configuration
    [ ] Understand where database is stored
    [ ] Projects configured
        [ ] Default branch
        [ ] Repo path
        [ ] Commit URL
            [ ] Verify clicking a regression commit ID opens correct HTML link
    [ ] Categories configured
    [ ] Email configured
        [ ] Test email
    [ ] Bug tracker configured
        [ ] Verify clicking a bug opens correct HTML link

[ ] User Authentication
    [ ] LDAP
        [ ] Users can log in/out

Advanced Tasks

[ ] API tokens working
    [ ] Basic Python scripts working

[ ] Classifications configured
[ ] Changelist diff plugin (regression diff)
[ ] Metadata configured
[ ] Signature diff configured (
[ ] Model changelist TSV
    [ ] Verify rule resolve works

[ ] Bug create script
[ ] Bug update script