Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Example Functional/Line Coverage TSV

TSV: tab-separated-value (similar to CSV)

Note: the TSV file format uses the [tab] keyboard character between fields (not spaces or commas).

Functional coverage example

Here is an example coverage TSV file:

name	group	location	hits	bins
a.b.c.unused	ChkAllPtFlushUnusedCheck	HW	50000,10000	0
a.b.c.second	ChkAllPtFlushUnusedCheck	HW	0	,
a.b.c.full[0]	2D Array	HW	1000,1111	,
another	Another	SW	1	,
single-point-multi-hits	Another	SW	3	,

Line coverage example

This example is for Line coverage.

name	group	location	hits	bins
:73	nes_ppu.c:ppu_latch	nes_ppu.c:73	48	0
:74	nes_ppu.c:ppu_latch	nes_ppu.c:74	24	0
:75	nes_ppu.c:ppu_latch	nes_ppu.c:75	24	0
:80	nes_ppu.c:nes_ppu_info_window_draw	nes_ppu.c:80	0	0