Knowledge Base Administration Guide

OIDC User Authentication with Microsoft Azure (Cloud)

Note: In 2024, Microsoft renamed Azure Active Directory to Entra ID.

This tutorial walks through configuring Simscope to use OIDC authentication using Microsoft Azure.

Redirect URI

Note: Azure OIDC authentication requires Simscope to be running on https (http is only allowed for localhost testing).

After a user logs in, OIDC will automatically redirect back to Simscope. This is called the Redirect URI.

The format of this URI is:

  • {SIMSCOPE_URL}/oidc-redirect


  • http://localhost:8000/oidc-redirect (only allowed for oidcauth testing)

Azure Tutorial

1. Log into Microsoft Azure Portal

Log into your Microsoft Azure portal:

  • Click Microsoft Entra ID.

Azure Portal

2. Register App

  • On the left side, click App Registrations.
  • Then click New registration.

Register App

3. App Registration

  • In the Name box, type Simscope
  • In Redirect URI, select the Web dropdown and type your Redirect URI
    • Example: http://localhost:8000/oidc-redirect
  • Click Register.


4. Authentication

  • On the left side, click Authentication.
  • Check the Access tokens and ID tokens boxes.
  • Click the Save button.


5. Client Secret

  • On the left side, click Certificates & secrets.
  • In the middle of the page, click New client secret.
  • On the right side in the Description box, type Simscope
  • On the right side, change the expiration to 24 months.
  • Click the Add button.

Client Secret

6. Save Secret

  • To the right of the Value column, click the Copy to Clipboard link.
  • Save this value to oidc.config in the clientsecret line.

Client Secret

7. Overview

  • On the left side, click Overview.
  • Save the Application (client) ID value to your oidc.config in the clientid line.
  • Save the Directory (tenant) ID value to your oidc.config in the {TENANT_ID} line.


Configuration: oidc.config template

Save this to the file oidc.config

  • Note: You will need to change the {TENANT_ID}, clientid and clientsecret lines.
# Microsoft Azure OIDC configuration
# >

# Replace {TENANT_ID} with your Azure Tenant ID
domain = "{TENANT_ID}/v2.0"

# Application (client) ID

# Object Secret

# NOTE: use the secret, not the Object ID
clientsecret = "CLIENT~SECRET"

# Azure login prompt
prompt = "select_account"
#prompt = "consent"
#prompt = "login" # Require a username/password
#prompt = "none"

# List of Azure scopes
scopes = "openid"
scopes = "profile"
scopes = "email"
scopes = "offline_access" # for auto-renewal of tokens

Test oidcapp

To test OIDC, from any Linux machine, start the oidcauth app:

# Note: the 8000 port can be replaced with any 4-digit port number you want to test with
# usage: ./oidcauth CONFIG_FILE PORT

> ./oidcauth oidc.config 8000

1. Open Web Browser

  • Open your web browser and go to the URL http://localhost:8000
  • Click the Login link.

Test Login

2. Login to Azure

  • Select your Azure account:

Choose Account

3. OIDC Success

  • If Azure login succeeds, you should see a page similar to this:

OIDC success


  • Validate the Name and Email lines have correct values for your user account.
  • Validate that RefreshToken is set to true.

If so, OIDC is working with Azure!