Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Simscope Release History — v490 — 499


1. bugfix Regression name regex not working properly


When filtering by regression name field, it now supports regex operators properly.

For example, you can now enter smoke,!integrate_smoke and see a list of regressions with a name:

  • Contains smoke
  • Excluding those that contain integrate_smoke

2. feature Larger Regression pagination

There is now a dropdown box, enabling Regression searches to be run with a larger page size of 200, rather than the default of 50.

3. feature Added simscope-test-args script

Added a new simscope-test-args script, to summarize regression results by test arguments (ie +plusargs).


1. feature Improved regression details page

The regression details page has an improved interface:

  • Simplified command box
  • New Analysis... button to link to: Test List, Histogram, Gantt, etc.

2. bugfix Fixed Admin Reload notification

In previous releases, the Admin Reload button would popup duplicate notification messages upon reload.

3. feature Added regression metadata units

See the metaunit section in Regression metadata.

4. bugfix Improvements to Coverage Search/Merge

Two improvements to Coverage Merge:

  • Merge view now shows proper page links (previously could be buried under a scroll bar).
  • Added dropdown to toggle between 50 and 200 coverage results per page.

5. feature New chart X-axis summarizer

New Chart X-axis choice: regression tag.

6. bugfix Changed chart 'billions' unit suffix

Chart values in billions are now abbreviated by a G (giga) suffix instead of B (billions).

  • This caused confusion between bytes and billions.
  • Example value: 4.2 G

7. feature New /api/tagged/dump-csv parameter

The Dump API now supports both min and max timestamp parameters.

Example: &timestamp-min=2024-02-03T12:05:03-08:00&timestamp-max=2024-02-04T12:00:00-08:00


1. bugfix Fixed duplicate rule warnings during server load

Fixed these extraneous warnings during server load:

Error: duplicate Rule: an identical rule already exists: see Rule 447.1

2. feature Increased Quick Searches to 18

Increased quick saved search count from 12 to 18.

3. feature Dynamic logging change

For debugging purposes, Adminitrators can change the Simscope log level, to enable or disable trace logging messages.

4. feature CSV dump API updates

The job CSV dump API now dumps additional job fields.


1. bugfix Coverage merge selection incorrect


When merging coverage, if specific coverage models are selected, the regression filters are ignored (for example days filter).

2. bugfix Blank passwords allowed

Blank user passwords are allowed again for Local user accounts, if LDAP is disabled.


1. feature Improvements to API: /dump-csv

The REST API endpoint /api/tagged/dump-csv has a batch of improvements:

  • Manager users can now access the endpoint (previously only administrators could access).
  • It now emits componentid, regrid, and finish_time fields.
  • New option to emit a packed job metadata array field: &job-metadata=true
  • New option to change delimiter from commas.
    • For tab delimiter: &delimiter=%09
  • New optional timestamp-min URL parameter, to filter jobs by their finish_time value after a timestamp:
    • Example: &timestamp-min=2024-02-03T12:05:03-08:00

2. feature Added job metadata unit to the Job Details page

The job details page now shows a unit column, if metadata is configured with units (e.g. kHz)


1. feature LDAP Referral change for ActiveDirectory

Changed LDAP library to turn off Referrals. This was causing long delays for some ActiveDirectory LDAP user searches.

2. feature Added LDAP allowemaillogin option

Added a new config option allowemaillogin.

By default, LDAP logins that look like email addresses will be rejected (to prevent users from attempting bogus user IDs), and users will be given an error message.

If your LDAP uses email addresses as logins, you can email allowemaillogin = true.

3. feature Saved coverage searches

Coverage searches can now be saved and restored, including coverage charts.

4. feature Job metadata units

Job metadata units are now show in the Job details page.

5. bugfix Regression group update


The Regression field group value is now kept during regr-update messages, if left blank.

  • In previous releases, an update omitted group field would incorrectly clear the group field.


1. bugfix Shared search duplicate save

If shared searches are enabled, and a user saves into another user's existing search name, it will now be replaced, rather than creating a duplicate search name with the current user.

For example, if there is a shared search called user1/Smoke Runs, and user2 saves a search called Smoke Runs, it will now be saved as user1/Smoke Runs.

2. feature Coverage saved searches


Coverage model searches can now be saved and restored.

3. feature Filter coverage by user

Coverage models can now be filtered by user name.


1. bugfix Fixed regression submitted JSON

During Regression JSON publish, if the submitted field is omitted (or if the value is sent and is a negative value), then the previous submitted value is kept for the Regression.

  • In previous releases, if submitted were set to a positive value, and then an update or finish occurred with submitted omitted, then the regression submitted would incorrectly get cleared to zero. Now, under this scenario, the previous value is kept.

2. feature Improved LDAP authentication error messages

If LDAP is enabled and users fail to authenticate correctly, Simscope now displays an error with the Administrator email address from the simscope.config file, to give the end-user a better contact point to debug authentication errors.

3. feature Coverage merge sorting

When performing coverage merges from the GUI, the source coverage table now allows sorting by columns (e.g. by score, coverpoints).


bugfix Improved SMTP server support

SMTP emails have improved SMTP server compatibility:

  • PLAIN and LOGIN authentication options.
  • STARTTLS and TLS options.
  • 10-second timeout for connections (if starttls = true).
  • Added DEBUG messages to help debug SMTP configuration errors.
  • Added pool-based message publishing, improving performance by re-using network connections.


1. bugfix LDAP Session support

LDAP can now be optionally configured with Session support, which enables a more secure authentication when using LDAP as the provider.

Advantages if Session mode is enabled:

  • No storage of hashed credentials.
  • Sessions expire after 7 days, or any time Simscope is restarted. Users have to re-authenticate via LDAP when their sessions expire.

To enable:

# LDAP session mode is a more secure LDAP authentication scheme, which does not store hashed authentication credentials
enablesessions = true

2. bugfix Job Sort by Runtime

Fixed a bug where sorting jobs by the runtime field was inadvertently sorting by the compute field instead.

3. feature simscope-test-summary improvements

Added optional sub-grouping capability to the simscope-test-summary script:

# Example: Group by test group, and subgroup by milestone
config.SummaryGroupBy = ['testgroup/milestone']

# Add zero records for sibling group-by tables with missing keys
config.AddMissingSiblingRecords = True

4. feature Coverage model check-all


The coverage model search page now has a check-all box, to check (or uncheck) all models on the page.