Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Admin: Wipe Simscope Database (wipedb)

Note: if you would just like to hide one or more bad Regressions, see Tank Regressions.

Simscope has a wipedb command, which can be used to delete all database data, except for the Users table.

  • This allows for prototyping a Simscope workflow, to wipe everything and start over, except keep the user logins.


Warning: this will delete all Simscope tables from the DB. Simscope will automatically save a backup of the DB beforehand, in the dbname.bkp/ directory, in case you want to roll back.

Running wipedb

To wipe the Simscope DB:

  1. Stop the Simscope server.

  2. On the command-line, run:

> bin/simscope wipedb --db=/path/simscope/db/ --config=/path/simscope.config

Then you must type yes to confirm:

[WARN ] Simscope Wipe DB path=/path/simscope/db/
This will delete all Components, Regressions, Signatures, Jobs, and Metrics from the DB.
It will KEEP the Users table, and create a backup of the DB beforehand.

Type yes to delete >

Afterward, this will wipe everything from the DB, and keep a backup directory.

  • You can delete the backup directory at your convenience.


  1. WipeDB will move the existing Simscope database to a db.bkp directory, so you can recover if you accidentally deleted something needed.
  2. Simscope server must be shut down first, so the DB can be wiped. Otherwise you will get a lock error.