Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Git integrates — Advanced model flow

Note: see also Git commands for help with converting timestamps.

Simscope includes with a Python plugin called simscope-git-model-update, which can import Git changelists directly from a Git project workspace into Simscope.

This lets users resolve rules or issues, either from an integrate SHA, or from any child commit SHA.

├── child-commit1
├── child-commit2
└── child-commit3


  1. Copy simscope-git-model-update and into $SIMSCOPE/bin
  2. If using a specific Python or Git path, edit simscope-git-model-update and change these.
  3. Edit and change DEFAULT_SIMSCOPE_URL


Note the command-line ordering: Integrate SHA is first, and optionally any Child SHAs afterward.

> PATH/simscope-git-model-update INTEGRATE-SHA [CHILD-SHAS...] \
--project=PROJECT --branch=BRANCH

Example Git integrate post

For example, if we want to import the following integrate, which has two child commits:

├── 0d0ad
└── 6101a

And we want to import into the Simscope project called mars on branch master, we can run the following command:

> PATH/simscope-git-model-update 88f03 0d0ad 6101a --project=mars --branch=master
3 commits posted to Simscope

Finding commits in Simscope

To validate the flow is working, you can view commits and integrates within Simscope web.

The easiest method to find a commit SHA is to type it into the search box.

Here is an example search for 0d0ad:

Git commit