Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Simscope Release History — v320 — 329


To enable:

  • Add the following to your simscope.config file:
[tests] # Enable signature triage index (build/testgroup search from signatures) sigtriageindex = true
  • After starting Simscope, click AdminTable Reindex (bottom of the page).

  • Check Signature Triage Index, and click Reindex button.

NOTE: Reindexing should take up to a half day for the reindex to complete. Check the Simscope terminal to monitor progress.

2. feature Daily server status email

Simscope now sends a daily server status email to the administrator, indicating basic health of Simscope:

  • Uptime, version
  • License status
  • Daily errors


1. bugfix Runtime column incorrect display in test table

The prior version was incorrectly displaying compute time values in the Tests table.

  • This now displays job runtime values instead.

2. feature Sourcecode job field


New optional test sourcecode field, if you want to store testcase source code within Simscope jobs.

see Job JSON for more details


1. feature Separate tracking of job compute time vs job runtime


This version now has separate fields for compute time (ie CPU time) and runtime (ie wallclock time).

  • NOTE: runtime field is optional. If omitted, the previous Simscope behavior still works, where runtime is equal to compute time.

For example, if simulator license acquisition time for a job took 30 minutes, and CPU simulation time used was only 2 minutes, you would see:

  • compute: 2 min
  • runtime: 32 min

see Job Runtime for more details

2. feature Filter regressions by coverage DB

Regressions can now be filtered by those which have coverage DB's imported.

3. feature Configurable coverage DB decimal percentage

By default, coverage DB group percentage now render with 2 digits after the decimal point. For example, 98.52%

This can be changed for more or less decimals via simscope.config:

[coverage] enabled = true # 2 decimals means 98.52% decimals = 2

Example coverage with 2 decimals:

2 decimals


1. bugfix Pie chart bugfix

In previous versions, pie charts with 5 or less slices in the pie would display an incorrect chart title. This bug is now fixed.

2. feature Cov DB Uncovered filter

For coverage DB, you can now filter by uncovered (aka coverage points/groups that are less than 100% hit).


3. feature Cov DB Points metric

Coverage databases now store the number of points in the coverage database into the regression.

  • This lets users chart number of coverage points over time, as well as coverage % over time.



1. bugfix Regression Compare Metadata

When comparing two regressions' metadata, the font would wrap incorrectly in previous Simscope version. This bug is now fixed.

2. feature Component Dashboard Metadata Widget

The component dashboard now has an optional configuration to show specific regression metadata as large numeric widgets.

This example shows the Coverage Total metric promoted to a full-size widget:


To enable, set the dashboardwidgetmetadata field in your simscope.config file to a regular expression matching metadata.

This example simscope.config file enables matching total (or capitalized Total) metadata as widgets:

[chart] # Component Dashboard Widget dashboardwidgetmetadata = "total|Total"


Coverage DB now can perform basic searching of cover points.


1. bugfix 24:00 timestamp bugfix for Chrome

Added Javascript workaround for Chromium-based browsers, so that midnight-timestamps (ie 12:00am to 12:59am) show up as 00:30 instead of 24:30.

2. feature Custom Pass/Fail Heatmap Colors



see Custom Heatmap Colors


1. feature Coverage DB improvements

Simscope Coverage DB now supports:

  • Sorting by Name, Points, or Score
  • Drilldown from Cover Group to see individual Cover Points

2. bugfix Component Dashboard now ignores LIVE regressions

When displaying the latest coverage results on the Component Dashboard, Simscope will now only show coverage for finished regressions.


1. feature My Dashboards dropdown chooser

Dashboards now show a dashboard chooser, to quickly switch between a user's dashboards.

My Dashboards

2. feature Dashboards support 18 charts

Dashboard limits increased to allow up to 18 charts (ie 6 x 3 grid).

3. feature Coverage flow

First beta of Simscope with coverage groups.

4. feature Increased admin error log

The Simscope admin error log has been increased from 16 kB to 512 kB.