Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Example Regression JSON (aka regr json)

These are sample Regressions in JSON format.

Note: see Regression Field Reference for definitions of each field.

1. Basic Regression

This example shows a basic regression with a minimal amount of fields:

    "name": "cpu_smoke/12.4",
    "component": "alpha_cpu_core",
    "project": "alpha",
    "model_branch": "master",
    "model_version": "2500",
    "model_timestamp": "2020-02-03T12:00:54Z",
    "starttime": "2020-02-05T22:00:53.842443Z",
    "userid": "admin",
    "integrate": true,
    "host": "c2-8",
    "command": "flow --regr --seed 6801a9 MODEL=1a4",
    "dir": "/mnt/proj/regr/smoke/12.4"

2. Advanced Regression

This example shows a full integrate regression, with Coverage Metadata and a changelist path:

    "name": "cpu_integrate/105",
    "component": "alpha_cpu_core",
    "project": "alpha",
    "model_branch": "dev",
    "model_version": "46fa3f7483ef06801a94c6b24c108fa2",
    "model_timestamp": "2020-02-03T12:00:54Z",
    "starttime": "2020-02-05T22:00:53.842443Z",
    "queue": "queue3",
    "pending": true,
    "userid": "admin",
    "host": "c4-21",
    "command": "flow --regr --seed 6801a9 MODEL=1a4",
    "dir": "/mnt/proj/regr/integrate/105",
    "submitted": 525,
    "tool_version": "9760c58cda49e73b4d6c852cf9ca9cbf",
    "integrate": true,
    "time_limit_hours": 12,
    "changelist_path": "/path/to/mychangelist.tsv",
    "custom_metadata": [
            "Functional Coverage",
            "Line Coverage",
            "Perforce Changelist",
            "Coverage Results Web",

Example Regression page

The Regression JSON example above renders like this inside Simscope.

Regression with metadata

Note the highlighted region around the the custom metadata published.

  • In Simscope, the blue hyperlinks automatically link to view metadata results in a Line Chart.