Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Skip Jobs

Capturing skipped jobs these into Simscope enables tracking of skip job statistics (how many jobs skipped per regression, net pass rate including skips, etc.)

For example, if a build job failed (dependency job), your flow may want to indicate a number of simulation jobs were skipped as well.

NOTE: in general, skip jobs should not have a compute time, runtime, or cycle count (since the job was not run).

Skipped jobs are indicated by "result": "skip" field.

Enabling Skips in Simscope

By default, Simscope does not enable skip job tracking.

To enable, add the following to your simscope.config file:

# Store "skip" job results in Simscope.
# NOTE: enabling skip job tracking reduces the limit of job categories by half
enableskip = true

## RECOMMENDED: if you enable skip jobs, you might also want to increase the maximum number
## of signature categories, because skip jobs are specil types of categories
maxcategories = 100

Example Skip JSON

This Job is an example of a skipped simulation.

  • Note: in general, skip jobs do not have compute_ms or runtime_ms fields (since the job was skipped).
    "category": "sim",
    "config": "sim +rand +tbuf +seed=123",
    "jobdir": "/home/runs/myregr/2/job-3",
    "build": "mybuild",
    "testgroup": "mytestgroup",
    "seed": "123",
    "start_time": "2021-05-07T02:00:11.123-05:00",
    "host": "compute-12",
    "result": "skip"