Knowledge Base Administration Guide

User Accounts / Roles

Simscope has user authentication for:

  • Login
  • Saved searches
  • Assignments/triage
  • Email notifications
  • Saved charts

User Roles

Each Simscope user is assgined a user role.

The capabilities for each role are:

User RoleTriage/MetricsTankClassificationAdministration
Regular (default)...

Administrators can change user roles via the Admin area.

Admin: Reset a User's password

NOTE: if you are using LDAP authentication, this procedure is NOT recommended!

  • To reset the admin account password, follow the instructions under Admin.

Administrators can reset a user's password by:

  1. Click the Admin Lock.
  2. Click User Accounts.
  3. Find the user and click Edit.
  4. Click the Issue User Reset Token link. This will generate a reset token (5-digit integer).
  5. Go to the Change Password page, use the reset token, and then pick a new password.

Reset password

API Tokens

See API Tokens.