Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Bug Trackers (Issues)

Simscope caches the external state of bugs, from external bug tracking tools (e.g. JIRA, Bugzilla, ADO).

  • This lets users see the State and Title of bugs directly within Simscope, on any page with a bug symbol (without needing to click on the bug).

Here is an sample list of Issues rendered inside Simscope:

Bug List

Notes in the example above:

  • SIM-43 is marked as a DV bug
  • SIM-37 is green (resolved)
  • .DEBUG is a TAG (yellow)

Bugs vs Issues

Simscope distinguishes between Issues (name prefixed with a dot) vs Bugs (anything else).

  • Bugs show up by default with a red bug symbol.
  • Issues (also called Tags) show up with a yellow TAG symbol.

Issue colorization

Simscope can colorize each bug symbol based on External Bug fields:

  • Bug State
    • example: green color if done state
  • Bug Resolution
    • example: cross-through-line if bug is resolved or closed
  • Bug Designation
    • example: DV for a verification bug, or RTL for a design bug
  • Bug vs Tag
    • example: .DEBUG renders with a yellow TAG prefix

Custom Bug CSS

To colorize, Simscope allows custom HTML CSS rules, which can be used to colorize bugs (for example DV vs RTL bugs).

Bug Designation

Simscope has an optional designation JSON field stored inside each issue, used to indicate an external bug status.

This field can have any arbitrary string value.

A common use for Designation is to indicate to the user whether a bug is designated as verification (DV) vs design (RTL).

To use the designation, please see the template inside . You need to implement the following logic:

    # ----------------------------------------
    # NOTE: this example looks for `1` inside the bug ID (which is bogus).
    # Replace this logic with your internal designation computation.
    designation = 'DV'
    if '1' in bugid:
        designation = 'RTL'

    issue_fields['designation'] = designation
    # ----------------------------------------

Manual Bug Refresh

Since bug state inside Simscope is cached, users can manually issue a refresh for any bug directly from the web site, which will call the issue update script.

Click the refresh symbol, like this:

Bug Refresh

Builtin Bug Tracker Integrations

  • JIRA
  • Azure DevOps (ADO)
  • Note: other bug integrations can be added to Simscope. Please contact VerOps for more information.